Réhab El-Bakry
Business Today - December 2001
"People work very hard all through the year," says Mohamed Sadek, chairman of SANO Catering and the Sohbageya Tent. "We rarely eat dinner as families. But every one takes it easy, works less and spends more time with family and friends during Ramadan." While Ramadan once meant an economic slump as people turned their backs on work, shops and consumer goods in favor of families, fasting and prayer, it underwent a commercial facelift in the early 1990s.
As people grow bored with television, they begin to socialize. Their destination? Most likely one of the many Ramadan tents. Tents were also an invention of the 1990s. In 1994, SANO Catering chairman Sadek created Ramadanna (Our Ramadan), the first such offering. "People spent many a Ramadan night in Hussein smoking shisha and drinking sahlab. My idea was to create a similar traditional ambiance in a more controlled environment."

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